Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Charles Phillips: Infor’s finest revealed

Charles Phillips Photo Credit: Kudzucreative.com

Featuring mobile accessibility, smooth product integration, and a user-friendly interface, Infor10 represents a new development in the company’s product roster. Working behind the scenes prior to the release, Charles Phillips, Infor’s new CEO, has been bringing the company toward a new direction, reflected entirely in the new brand.

The new product line, Infor10, boasts of a middleware layer that, while limited in scope, offers fast, smooth integration among the products in its roster—the first in the history of Infor. This striking first feature is part of the company’s efforts to move away from its holding company image and provide its clients with more innovative solutions.

Charles Phillips Photo Credit: Sapphiresystems.com.uk

The middleware layer allows the industry-specific suites in the Infor10 to remain unique while remaining integrated; the company believes that integrations should be part of the application, not the implementation. The programs are provided with a new, user-friendly interface (Workspace) and mobile accessibility through smart phones (Infor10 Motion).

From Charles Phillips

Steered by Charles Phillips, Infor’s new direction aims to provide its clients with faster, more efficient solutions that don’t need to rely on doing something over multiple platforms; as Phillips puts it, “You build it once.” This is the case with Infor10, which not only is considerably smaller as a result (as it comes in 3 CDs) but also is considerably faster and easier to use.

More information on products and innovations in Charles Phillips’ Infor is available on Twitter.

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